Revista nº 813

Artificial oral mucosa | Ibáñez Cortés M, et al. Actual Med. 2021; 106(813): 177- 187 182 BP180 BP230 Laminin-5 Entactin Fibronectin Collagen IV Collagen III Basement membrane Basal lamina + + + + + + Reticular lamina + Connective tissue Papillary layer Reticular layer + Submucosa Collagen VII Decorin CD90 Tenascin Collagen I Collagen VI CD31 Basement membrane Basal lamina Reticular lamina + Connective tissue Papillary layer Reticular layer + + + + + + Submucosa + Table 3. Characterization of the basement membrane, the connective tissue and the submucosa. +: reported by the literature. +: reported by the literature.