Revista nº 814
Choroidal thickness analysis in keratoconus patients | López-Jiménez A, et al. 256 Actual Med. 2021; 106(814): 252- 259 No correlation was observed between anterior segment parameters and mean subfoveal CT (M) in the KC group (Table 3). Correlation between M and: Q (r=- 0.004, p=0.408), KI (r=-0.110, p=0.601) and VIA (r=- 0.218, p=0.269) was not detected (using Pearson test). Correlations between M and KM (r=0.040, p=0.848) and pachymetry (r=-0.173, p=0.408) was neither significant (using Spearman test). The choroid is being studied profusely nowadays using SS-OCT and EDI OCT. Anatomical choroidal alterations have been identified in different inflammatory eye disorders such as: as ankylosing spondylitis, psoriasis (9), Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome( 10), Behçet´s disease Table 3. Corneal parameters in both groups. KC: keratoconus, KI: keratoconus index, KM: mean corneal curvature, Pachy :minimal pachymetry, Q: corneal asphericity, TKC: staging of KC and VIA: index of vertical asymmetry. KC group Control group KM Min/max 49,5 ± 6 D (42.1/67.1) 44,36±1.69 D (41.6/47,2) Pachy Min/max 436,7 ± 55,9 μm (302/517) 553 ± 9,8 μm (496/ 605) Q Min/max -0,92 ± 0,46 (-0.14/-1.83) -0,24 (-0.12/-0.92) KI Min/max 1,19 ± 0,13 (0,89/1,53) 1,01 (1/1,07) IVA Min/max 0,88 ± 0,4 (0,13/2) 0,1118 (0,07/0,21) TKC 3 (12%) Stage I 15 (60%) Stage 2 7 (28%) Stage 3-4 Topographic location of the cone 7 (27 %) central 3 (11,5%) (3) inferio-nasal. 15 (58%) inferio-temporal. 1 (3,5%) superior. DISCUSSION