Revista nº 814

Trebollé JF, et al. | 3D morphometric analysis of the cadaveric colon 269 Actual Med. 2021; 106(814): 260- 270 such as the proximity of another organ or vessel (superior mesenteric artery), the displacement was more difficult to determine. Thus, when a distance is defined by a fixed point and a moving point, it is easier to determine its angle than if the segment is delimited by two moving points. Colon undergoes changes in the location of certain segments in the application of factors such as position changes and pneumoperitoneum pressure. These changes, which can be measured by three- dimensional reconstruction images, could be related to their fixations to the peritoneum, to the proximity of the neighboring viscera and to their location in the abdomen. (24) 1. Barussaud ML, Danion J, Castagnet M, et al. From ana- tomy to laparoscopic surgery, or how to reconcile sur- geons to embryology. Surg Radiol Anat 2015; 37:393–8. 2. Gao A, Li H, Xiao-Bing Z, et al. 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Researchsquare [Preprint]. May 15, 2020 [cited 2021 May 01]Available from: 10.21203 / 26613/v2. CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES