Revista nº 818

Hidroxiapatita con estroncio y actividad antimicrobiana | Lizette Morejón Alonso L, et al. 38 Actual Med.2024;109(818):20- 38 48. Huang Y, Hao M, Nian X, Qiao H, Zhang X, Zhang X, et al. Strontium and copper co-substituted hydroxyapatite-ba- sed coatings with improved antibacterial activity and cytocompatibility fabricated by electrodeposition. Cera- mics International. 2016;42(10):11876-88. doi: 10.1016/j. ceramint.2016.04.110 49. Singh G, Singh RP. Multifunctional strontium-sulphate co-substituted hydroxyapatite nanopowders. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2021;65:102755. doi: 10.1016/j.jddst.2021.102755 50. Marcello E, Maqbool M, Nigmatullin R, Cresswell M, Jack- son PR, Basnett P, et al. Antibacterial composite materials based on the combination of polyhydroxyalkanoates with selenium and strontium co-substituted hydroxyapatite for bone regeneration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biote- chnology. 2021;9:647007. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.647007 51. Ullah I, Siddiqui MA, Liu H, Kolawole SK, Zhang J, Zhang S, et al. Mechanical, biological, and antibacterial charac- teristics of plasma-sprayed (Sr, Zn) substituted hydroxya- patite coating. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2020;6(3):1355-66. doi: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b01396 52. Wei X, Zhang X, Yang Z, Li L, Sui H. Osteoinductive potential and antibacterial characteristics of collagen coated iron oxide nanosphere containing strontium and hydroxyapati- te in long term bone fractures. Arabian Journal of Chemis- try. 2021;14(3):102984. doi: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2020.102984 53. Liu Y-C, Lee Y-T, Huang T-C, Lin G-S, Chen Y-W, Lee B-S, et al. In vitro bioactivity and antibacterial activity of strontium-, magnesium-, and zinc-multidoped hydroxya- patite porous coatings applied via atmospheric plasma spraying. ACS Applied Bio Materials. 2021;4(3):2523-33. doi: 10.1021/acsabm.0c01535 54. Shah NB, Osmon DR, Steckelberg JM, Sierra RJ, Walker RC, Tande AJ, et al. Pseudomonas prosthetic joint infec- tions: a review of 102 episodes. Journal of Bone and Joint Infection. 2016;1(1):25-30. doi: 10.7150/jbji.15722 55. Honkanen M, Jämsen E, Karppelin M, Huttunen R, Eskelinen A, Syrjänen J, editors. Periprosthetic joint infections as a con- sequence of bacteremia. Open forum infectious diseases; 2019: Oxford University Press US. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofz218 56. Ravi ND, Balu R, Sampath Kumar T. Strontium substituted calcium deficient hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: synthe- sis, characterization, and antibacterial properties. Jour- nal of the American Ceramic Society. 2012;95(9):2700-8. doi: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2012.05262.x Si desea citar nuestro artículo: Lizette Morejón AL, Rodríguez Montero HM, Delgado García-Menocal JA, Varela Morales B, Cepero Cañas J. Hidroxiapatita sustituida con estroncio: plataforma para regeneración ósea con actividad antimicrobiana. Actual Med.2024;109(818):20- 38. DOI:10.15568/am.2024.818 . rev01