Revista nº 820
Patología Estructural en Enfermedades Glomerulares Primarias | Tovar Torres ZG, et al. 184 Actual Med.2024;109(820):1 76-185 CONFLICTO DE INTERESES Los autores/as de este artículo declaran no tener nin- gún tipo de conflicto de intereses respecto a lo ex- puesto en el presente trabajo. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 1. Kumar V., Abbas A.K. & Fausto N., Robbins y Cotran. Pato- logía estructural y funcional. 10a edición. Elsevier. 2019:4. 2. Scott E. Wenderfer & Joseph P. Gaut. Glomerular Disea- ses in Children. Advances in Kidney Disease and Health. 2017 Nov;24(6)364-371. doi : ackd.2017.09.005. ScienseDirect 2017 Dec 9. 3. V. Golay, M. Trivedi, A. Abraham, A. Roychowdhary, R. Pandey. The spectrum of glomerular diseases in a sin- gle center: A clinicopathological correlation. Indian J Nephrol. 2013 May;23(3):168-175. doi:10.4103/0971- 4065.111833. PubMed 4. Mark Haas, Surya V. Seshan, Laura Barisoni, Kerstin Amann, Ingeborg M. Bajema, Jan Ulrich Becker, Ken - suke Joh, Danica Ljubanovic, Ian S.D. Roberts, Joris J. Roelofs, Sanjeev Sethi, Caihong Zeng, J. Charles Jen- nette. Consensus Definitions for Glomerular Lesions by Light and Electron Microscopy: Recommendations from a Working Group of the Renal Pathology Society. Kidney International. 2020 Nov;98(5):1120-1134. doi:https://doi. org/10.1016/j.kint.2020.08.006. Elsevier 2020 Aug 28. 5. Jurgen Floegel, Sean J. Barbour, Daniel C. Cattran, Jona- than J. Hogan, Patrick H. Nachman, Sydney C.W. Tang, Jack F.M. Wetzels, Michael Cheung, David C. Wheeler, Wolfgang C. Winkelmayer, Brad H. Rovin. Manejo y trata - miento de las enfermedades glomerulares (parte 1): con- clusiones de Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outco- mes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Interna- tional. 2019 95:268-280. doi : kint.2018.10.018. Elsevier 2019. 6. Sheng Nie, Wenjuan He, Ting Huang, Diankun Liu, Guo - bao Wang, Jian Geng, Nan Chen, Gang Xu, Ping Zhang, Yang Luo, Jing Nie, Xin Xu, Fan Fan Hou. The Spectrum of Biopsy- Proven Glomerular Diseases among Chil- dren in China. Clinical Journal of de American Society of Nephrology. 2018 Jul;13(7):1047-1054. doi:10.2215/ CJN.11461017. Epub 2018 Jun 18. 7. Bandari J, Fuller TW, Turner II RM, D’Agostino LA. Renal biopsy for medical renal disease: indications and con- traindications. Review. Can J Urol. 2016 Feb;23(1):8121- 8126. PMID:26892051. 2015 Oct. 8. Wen Y. Ding, Moin A. Saleem. Current concepts of the podocyte in nephrotic syndrome. Review Article. Kidney Research and Clinical Practice. 2012 Jun;31(2):87-93. doi : Scien - ceDirect 2012 Apr 27. 9. Cara-fuentes, G., Clapp, W.L., Johnson, R.J. et al. Pa- thogenesis of proteinuria in idiopathic minimal change disease: molecular mechanisms. Pediatr Nephrol. 2016 31:2179-2189. doi : 3379-4. Springer Link 2016 Jul 06 10. Hashmi MS, Pandey J. Nephritic Syndrome. Sta- tPearls Publishing, Treasure Island (FL) 2021 Sept. PMID:32965911. Europe PMC Aug 2022. 11. Taheri S. Renal biopsy reports in nephritic syndrome: Up- date. World Journal of Nephrology. 2022 Mar;11(2):73- 85. doi:10.5527/wjn.v11.i2.73. PubMed 25 Mar 2022. 12. Priscilla Kincaid-Smith & Kenneth Fairley. The Inves- tigation of Hematuria. Seminars in Nephrology. 2005 May;25(3):127-135. doi : nephrol.2005.01.002. Elsevier 2008 Sept 21. 13. Sara Bielsa-García, Ana Garzarán, Celia del Agua, Anto- nio Gascón, José-Esteban Ruiz, Francisca Berisa. Glo- merulonefritis rápidamente progresiva: a propósito de dos casos. NefroPlus. 2016 Dec;8(2):170-178. doi:Nefro- logía 2016. 14. Arimura, Y., Muso, E., Fujimoto, S. et al. Evidence-ba- sed clinical practice guidelines for rapidly progressi- ve glomerulonephritis 2014. Clin Exp Nephrol. 2016 Jun;20:322-341. doi : 015-1218-8. 15. Marina Vivarelli, Laura Massella, Barbara Ruggie- ro, Emma Francesco. Minimal Change Disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 12(2):332-345. doi:10.2215/ CJN.05000516. PubMed 2016 Dec 9. 16. R Bertelli, A Bonanni, A Di Donato, M Cioni, P Ravani, G M Ghiggeri. Regulatory T cells and minimal change nephro- pathy: in the midst of a complex network. Clinical & Experi - mental Inmunology. 2015 Feb;183(2):166-174. doi:https:// Europe PMC 2015 Oct 12. 17. Fogo A., Kashgarian M. Atlas Diagnóstico de patología re- nal. Editorial Elsevier Saunders S.A. 3ª ed. 2018:13-119. 18. Froes, B.P., de Almeida Araújo, S., Bambirra, E.A. Is CD44 in glomerular parietal epithelial cells a pathological marker of renal function deterioration in primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis?. Pediatr Nephrol. 2017 32:2165-2169. doi : 3775-4. Springer Link 2017 Aug 10. 19. Ishizuka K., Miura K. Hashimoto T., Kaneko N., Harita Y., Yabuuchi T., Hisano M., Fujinaga S., Omori T., Yamaguchi Y., Hattori M. Degree of foot process effacement in pa- tients with genetic focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: a single-center analysis and review of literature. Scienti - fic Reports. 2021 Jun;11(1):12008. doi:10.1038/s41598- 021-91520-9. Nature 2021 Jun 08.