Hidrogeles de gelatina entrecruzados para aplicaciones en Ingeniería Tisular. Un estudio preliminar
Gelatin-crosslinked hydrogels for Tissue Engineering applications. A preliminar Study
Actual. Med. 2018; 103: (803): 9-12
Terapia sensoriomotriz en cuidadores formales de mayores institucionalizados
Sensorimotor therapy in formal caregivers of institutionalized elderly
Actual. Med. 2018; 103 : (803)
Actualidad Médica. Una nueva etapa
Actualidad Médica. A new era
Actual. Med. 2018; 103 : (803): 7
Aula de Oncología
Controversies in the approach to thrombosis in cancer: extended secondary thromboprophylaxis and rethrombosis
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 180-182
Cartas al Editor
Escabiosis: la dermatoscopia puede ser la clave
Scabies: dermatoscopy could be the key
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 178-179
Caso Clínico
Non-secretory multiple myeloma presenting as pathological fractures: a diagnostic dilemma
Fracturas patológicas como forma de presentación de un mieloma múltiple no secretor: un dilema diagnóstico
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 176-177
Caso Clínico
Linfoma maligno enmascarado como mieloma múltiple
Malignant lymphoma masquerading as multiple myeloma
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 173-175
Caso Clínico
Complicaciones oculares después de cirugía de quiste aracnoideo: Síndrome de Terson
Ocular complications after aracnoidous cyst surgery: Terson's Syndrome
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 170-172
Is periodontal disease a risk factor of maxillar chemical osteonecrosis associated with bisphosphonates?
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 162-168
Costa Rican General Practitioners, Physical Activity and Exercise: Personal Habits and Academic Knowledge
Actual. Med. Actual. Med.2017; 102: (802): 156-161
Análisis de biocompatibilidad de cementos ionómero de vidrio de alta viscosidad
Analysis of the biocompatibility of high viscosity glass ionomer cements
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 151-155
Caracterización de Agarosas Tipo I y Tipo VII para su uso en Ingeniería Tisular
Type I and type VII agarose characterization for use in tissue engineering
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 145-150
Analysis of the development of the forgetfulness curve within a program of training in Basic Life Support for students of the Degree of Medicine from de University of granada. Pilot study
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 140-144
Encoding regions with low coverage in massive sequencing of genes of no syndromic autosomal dominant hearing loss
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (802): 135-139