Modifications of hepatic fibrosis assessed by transient elastometry in patients with sustained virological response after treatment of hepatitis C in monoinfected (VHC) and coinfected patients(VHC – VIH)
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (800): 18-22
Evaluation of bone density in palatine bone defects after grafting of bone generated by tissue engineering in rabbits
Actual. Med. Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (800): 13-17
Synthesis and characterization of a cartilage model using hydroxyapatite, chitosan and polycaprolactone
Actual. Med. 2017; 102: (800): 7-12
La violencia familiar y de género: Un compromiso de todos
Family and Gender Violence: a commitment
Actual. Med. 2017; 102 : (800): 5-6
Aula de Oncología
Encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor N-metil-D-aspartato y teratoma ovárico
Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate receptor encephalitis and ovarian teratoma
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 208-210
Cartas al Editor
Selective thrombus Aspiration in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction is still alive
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 205-207
Cartas al Editor
Placa hiperqueratósica en la planta del pie derecho
Hyperkeratotic plaque on the right sole
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 203-204
Historia, Conmemoraciones y Aniversarios
Benito Hernando Espinosa (1846-1916), uno de los primeros dermatólogos españoles
Benito Hernando Espinosa (1846-1916), one of the first Spanish dermatologist
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 196-202
Caso Clínico
Transformation of Conjuntival intraepithelial neoplasia into Squamous Cell Carcinoma despite topical treatment with Interferon α2b
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 193-195
Caso Clínico
Cierre cutáneo progresivo mediante “vessel loop” en fractura abierta periprotésica de tibia
Progressive wound closure by vessel loop in tibial periprosthetic open fracture
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 191-192
Caso Clínico
Episodio maníaco y consumo excesivo de regaliz como expresión de un trastorno metabólico
Manic episode and excessive consumption of licorice as an expression of a metabolic disorder
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 188-190
Atentados multifocales y lecciones aprendidas
Multifocal attacks and learned lessons
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 183-187
Nuevos retos de la fabricación de mucosa oral mediante técnicas de Ingeniería Tisular
New challenges on the production of oral mucosa using Tissue Engineering Techniques
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 176-182
Estudio piloto de tolerabilidad cutánea de láminas de fibrina-agarosa en voluntarios sanos
Pilot study of cutaneous tolerability of fibrin-agarose substitutes in healthy volunteers
Actual. Med. 2016; 101: (799): 171-175